May 09, 2006, 07:56 AM // 07:56
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Sep 2005
Guild: EXIL
Profession: W/N
Another easy one, chest farm at Nahpui Quarter, perfect celestial weapons are fairly frequent and they sell quite easy. But I don't know what happened, most of the items I drop now are perfect or near perfect... Frequent now to drop a +29HP mod or else...
May 09, 2006, 04:02 PM // 16:02
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Houston, Texas
Guild: Dawn Treaders [DAWN]
Profession: W/Mo
Begone troll.
Hey tuldor, care to hazzard a guess as to the frequency of celestial drops in your experience? I'm up to about 12 chests so far with nothing more than purple junk. I want an axe something fierce but can't afford the 150k price tag. =)
May 09, 2006, 04:38 PM // 16:38
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Dec 2005
Guild: DR (Drunkin Rangers)
Profession: E/Me
I made all of my money farming SF greens and buying low selling high , i have 700 in storage and 3 sets of Fissure now i am just buying weapons for my char perfect ones, but after that i am board. I never got into pvp i have always only played pve
May 09, 2006, 04:42 PM // 16:42
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: London/Uk
Guild: The Lost Saracens
Profession: E/Mo
Care to give a poor man some cash? you rich people!
May 09, 2006, 05:35 PM // 17:35
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jun 2005
Profession: Mo/Me
I honestly do not get how people can remain very poor.
Just by doing the main quest in the game you make 30k if you trade for amber or jade and sell, plus most missions nets a few grand worth of drops.
Add in now smart farming of Chapter 1 and smart salvaging and you can easily make 100k in a week.
Farm smart, and keep at it.
Or just sit in an outpost spamming WTS amber 2k and alternate with WTS amber 4k. A few guildies of mine made quite a bit of money off people who do not care what they pay for things.
As for people saying the high yield farm areas are still a secret, look at the other forums here. That spider farming thread is months and months old, as is the ettin farming one. Those were the two ways most people with time hit a million a fast. Spiders a good run nets 3 to 4 shards, and a few golds from chests. Ettins you can hit a few 5k to 10k runes and have a shot at a Sup Vigor.
Last edited by Engel the Fallen; May 09, 2006 at 05:39 PM // 17:39..
May 09, 2006, 06:11 PM // 18:11
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: North Carolina
Profession: N/Me
Ebay Ebay Ebay....what are you people broken records? I have never, will never and despise Ebay I rich in game? Damned straight I am. Why? Because I recognize patterns and trends. I swear I posted on this very board that crafting materials, both rare and common would be worth a ton in Factions....well I was right. I banked em up, sold them when the trader ran out and made a killing. I blew 750K on my new toons and banked that back up inside of a day. All you have to have is some modicum of business sense and the ability to recognize trends. If you can't do this then I might recommend never investing in stocks. It's easy to get money in this game. Once you have what you need all you can do is save it anyway. So stop crying EBay just because you don't have a knack for making gold in this game. It's not like it's all that important anyway but I am tired of being called an EBayer when I've never once bought game currency in my life.
May 09, 2006, 06:41 PM // 18:41
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Honduras
Guild: Ye Old
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Ashleigh McMahon
I've played for a year and haven't even reached 60k.
I think it's because I spend it when I get it, or just splash out on materials and stuff- and I make alot of pve characters alot, and buy max armors for them, often. I too am worried where people get this money. I'm not accusing them of anything, but alot of people just get lucky with drops... or maybe just have alot of time on there hands farming.
HEHEHE you really unluky man i have like 200k in just 2 moth of playtime you better stop playing WOW and play GW instead
May 09, 2006, 06:58 PM // 18:58
Forge Runner
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Aequitas Deis
you all are forgetting bots.
record action (55 elona farming), run GW and have the bot repeat action, go to work/sleep/vacation, come back to a 100k in your inventory and an anti farming code which is easy to reset.
there is a risk of getting your account deleted, so i'm just not takin it, there fore im broke (lol), but thats how ebay sellers make the gold to sell, and i'm sure they use it for themselves as well.
go to Elona, and see all the Mo/W runing alomh the wall to the merchat
May 09, 2006, 06:58 PM // 18:58
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: The Rusty Rose
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
Anyone else notice that people are buying things lately for amounts in excess of 100k +50 ectos? I mean, I've been playing the game for what I consider to be a long time. Just under 6 months, many hours, probably a little shy of 600.
I have never known a time when people were not buying items for excess of 100k + ectos. I have been playing for 6 months and over 1,500 hours. I ahve only once found a way to make some money occasionally. I still have some Candy Canes I sell when I am on the edge of getting something I want.
I agree that there is e-bay traffic. If E-bay were ethical they would not allow these transactions. They do not choose to be ethical however. There are also people that have huge reserves made when the game was in beta or shortly after. That created a top tier economy for the langest standing players and a bottom tier for all successive waves. A few may climb to the previous level, but ONLY with NON-CASUAL play.
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
This indicates an influx of people buying. So, I'll have to assume the greater population of GuildWars players is eBaying it, then saying they "farmed" it. It's a shame really...
People must say they *farmed* as it is a violation of the EULA to do otherwise. Further, ANet is a proponent of same farming. The Tengu Mask event was completely based upon farming and only farming: collect 250 fangs in a day, Pfft. Collect 105+ectos and shards for one suit of armor without farming for them, I dare ya.
I hadn't heard of th Gothic Sword yet, but it would be very useful. I have long wished ANet would start providing items for all possible combinations.
May 09, 2006, 07:16 PM // 19:16
<3 Ecto
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Collect 105+ectos and shards for one suit of armor without farming for them, I dare ya.
already have its nothing difficult. run or power trade should be enough. i would say current farming for fow armor is about one of the most boring things you can do. how about buying a set of fow armor from just farming elona
May 09, 2006, 10:06 PM // 22:06
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jan 2006
Guild: Experientia Docet [OHX]
Profession: E/
i assume the Gothic Sword is one of the collectors weapons in Divine Path(area after last mission). the collector there has weapons (sword, axe, hammer, long/short bow, sai) with +5 energy at no cost. basically the new HoD.
May 09, 2006, 10:15 PM // 22:15
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Guild: Drunken Rangers [DR], Sig of Ultimate Doom [SiG]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by Skawtt
If you spend real life money to get someting in a GAME thats just sad. Time to step away from the monitor wipe the cheetos off your face and move out of your parents basement.
you bought the game...
account = in game
May 09, 2006, 11:13 PM // 23:13
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Sep 2005
Profession: Mo/E
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
Freaking eBay queens. I guess it's no REAL major deal... but eBay queens are lame. They're the dudes switching green weapons in your group and hitting alt+left click on them. URGH! ![Mad](../Img/mad.gif)
Eh, I have (on different chars) 6 green (Tyrian) weapons and a shield, none of them bought and a couple more in storage which I keep meaning to sell.
I personally find the idea of paying real money for game money/items laughable but some people have more sense then money I guess
May 09, 2006, 11:40 PM // 23:40
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Near Seattle, WA
Guild: Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]
Profession: N/Me
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
exactly, i still do not understand why people think 100k a day is impossible. i would be embarrased to admit i did not know how to make more than a 100k in a day.
Then count me in the "embarassed" catagory or whatever (even though I'm not), because I freely admit I have no idea how to do it around a full time job, commuting, and still getting to shower, eat, exercise, and drum. ![Big Grin](../)
Alternately, however, I don't really worry about how much money other people have. I've seen people make money selling stuff to players, I've seen people do it through creative farming, 55 monking, just playing the game, any number of ways. There's room for everyone, and it's not worth it to begrudge what someone has and you don't have. There's too much fun to be had in this darn game for that, IMO. Sure, I want some money - I am drooling on enough 15k to make my head spin. But if I want it, I'll find a way to do it (in ways that don't violate the EULA). ![Smile](../Img/smile.gif)
Now for the self admitted snark that I normally don't indulge in here:
Could someone point me to the post where someone said that everyone in the game that has a lot of gold got it on ebay? I think I missed the part that said "everyone", but I see a lot of people talking as if someone accused everyone of it. Am I missing the bus here, or are people just jumping to conclusions because the evil word ebay was mentioned? Is there some kind of historical precident for people to be so defensive about the topic?
May 10, 2006, 12:14 AM // 00:14
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: England
Guild: Lievs Death Squad [LDS]
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
i believe those 100k a day guys...and i still laugh at them.
during the height of my trading career i could clear a 2 mil profit per week...and do it with selling less than 3 dozen items. and in trade, once you make a name for yourself, you often dont even have to look for things; people you dont even know will literally pm you out fo the blue trying to sell you crap you dont need...but what the can make a 100k profit on it.
That is more sad than anything... perhaps someone needs to introduce you to this thing called fun... theres a whole game outside of Lions Arch and GWguru Forums/Auctions, i suggest you try it, you might like it.
What the hell do you even NEED 2mil a week for anyway?
The moment you start thinking of this game in terms of 'how much money i made last week' or 'how much profit i got last week', i would suggest getting yourself a new hobby. To find people dumb enough to allow you to get 2mil a week must take some time, time i think you should be spending elsewhere.
May 10, 2006, 12:26 AM // 00:26
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: North Carolina
Profession: N/Me
Originally Posted by Evilsod
That is more sad than anything... perhaps someone needs to introduce you to this thing called fun... theres a whole game outside of Lions Arch and GWguru Forums/Auctions, i suggest you try it, you might like it.
What the hell do you even NEED 2mil a week for anyway?
The moment you start thinking of this game in terms of 'how much money i made last week' or 'how much profit i got last week', i would suggest getting yourself a new hobby. To find people dumb enough to allow you to get 2mil a week must take some time, time i think you should be spending elsewhere.
And that argument is more sad than anything and yet it always comes up time and time again. Let me break it down for you. Fun is subjective. Now that's a multisyllabic word so let me give a simple definition. Subjective means that it is a matter of personal preference. that means that if people enjoy grabbing loot then that is fun for them. I know that's what I like the most. I like finding valuable loot and making gold. That is fun to me. See the for me part. That's subjective. Being poor isn't fun. Ask a poor person they will tell you it sucks. Then take a look at all the whining about the economy and then you tell me being poor is fun. If it was so cracker jack to be poor then there wouldn't be all these gripes about how people can't afford things in game. When you people who use this whole fun argument come up with your magical fun-o-meter that can scientifically calculate the amount of fun that each individual person is having at any given moment then you let me know. Until that nebulous point in the future come up with a better argument.
Originally Posted by ElinoraNeSangre
Could someone point me to the post where someone said that everyone in the game that has a lot of gold got it on ebay? I think I missed the part that said "everyone", but I see a lot of people talking as if someone accused everyone of it. Am I missing the bus here, or are people just jumping to conclusions because the evil word ebay was mentioned? Is there some kind of historical precident for people to be so defensive about the topic?
And to answer your question see below.
Originally Posted by Crimson Ashwood
This indicates an influx of people buying. So, I'll have to assume the greater population of GuildWars players is eBaying it, then saying they "farmed" it. It's a shame really...
Now that greater population doesn't necessarily mean everyone however it does indicate a significant percentage does use EBay which isn't the case hence the defensive arguments.
Last edited by Str0b0; May 10, 2006 at 12:39 AM // 00:39..
May 10, 2006, 12:29 AM // 00:29
Krytan Explorer
I see no problem with people buying gold off eBay. Hey, that means more people who are capable of buying the things I want to unload (but not merch). Without eBay, how many people would seriously be able to buy minipets, or Zodiacs, or anything like that?
Ever hear of inflation? I doubt ebayers help the economy.
Also, are minipets worth that much? cus i got a purple titan one for my bday im still hanging on to
Last edited by awesome sauce; May 10, 2006 at 12:38 AM // 00:38..
May 10, 2006, 12:47 AM // 00:47
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jun 2005
Guild: The Amazon Basin [AB]
The other morning I had 12k total across all characters and storage. Well that was gold only. ![Wink](../Img/wink.gif)
1 hour later I had 193k gold.
And whoever said that crafting materials isn't profitable, well it isn't anymore, but I made many plat from crafting vellum. And I didn't farm specifically for the wood or dust. I just did my regular questing thru Furnace and FoW and salvaged everything I got.
May 10, 2006, 12:53 AM // 00:53
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: ATLANTA
Guild: No Clue [emt]
Profession: W/R
Ehh,,, you said that u dont think we sit in town and buy and resell stuff... ur wrong hehe, i can say that probably 75% of mymillionaire friends and i all buy/resell. I have made over 1 million reselling one item from a nub, to a nub.
May 10, 2006, 12:57 AM // 00:57
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: The Rusty Rose
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Str0b0
And that argument is more sad than anything and yet it always comes up time and time again. Let me break it down for you. Fun is subjective. Now that's a multisyllabic word so let me give a simple definition. Subjective means that it is a matter of personal preference. that means that if people enjoy grabbing loot then that is fun for them. I know that's what I like the most. I like finding valuable loot and making gold. That is fun to me. See the for me part. That's subjective. Being poor isn't fun. Ask a poor person they will tell you it sucks. Then take a look at all the whining about the economy and then you tell me being poor is fun. If it was so cracker jack to be poor then there wouldn't be all these gripes about how people can't afford things in game. When you people who use this whole fun argument come up with your magical fun-o-meter that can scientifically calculate the amount of fun that each individual person is having at any given moment then you let me know. Until that nebulous point in the future come up with a better argument.
How much of your defined 'subjective' is reality and how much inhibition? A child treted graciously for attainment of things will learn to become excited when things are attained. One treated graciously for attainment of truth will seek truth. Even after the response-reward system fails to be in place, people will continue with their inhibitted/trained behaviors. And there are many kinds of fun-o-meters. A study I read about at a friends was news reporting 'elation levels in women' are easiest to achieve when they feel secure physically, financially, etc. Seratonin rise in individuals brought in area proximity to their significant other have been measured. So, the future is actually past at this point.
I ahve been in groups where someone stated flat out they purchased their gold on E-bay because there is insufficient amount of real world time for them as a player to make any. They indicated that 2 hours worth of real wages ($15.00) was worth the 100,000k so they could do what they want. That the price is reportedly now in the $70+ range indicates two things, demand still exists and ANets previous efforts at making things unattainable only fueled that demand.
It is the same with the drug economy. As long as drugs are in Prohibition there will remain a highly priced illegal market for it. As soon as they become regulated the market will fall equal to the ammount the Prohibition is lessened. E-bay gold, lile drugs, will never go completely away. It will however cease to be a thriving economy if it has little market to the casual gamer who has other demands on their time besides farming when the boss isn't looking over their shoulder or instead of doing their homework.
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